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Do you want to show your support for research and innovation? Do you want to make a difference in the global EHS community?

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As a subscriber to SHIFT, you will receive unlimited access to two transformative, open access EHS publications each year that will guide the industry on turning research in best practices. Your support powers the initiative to disseminate research, develop Best Practice Guides, and advance research and innovation.

Subscribe and join us on our quest of making a difference in the global EHS community! As an open access publication, a subscription to SHIFT provides access to cutting-edge research and best practices at no cost to you.

Want to get involved? 

We want to hear from YOU! Show your support by taking advantage of many opportunities to get involved with SHIFT.

  • Become a peer reviewer
  • Guide development of best practices
  • Submit EHS research
  • Contribute to the EHS field of study!

Participating in peer review and guiding the development of best practices are essential elements of the SHIFT initiative. If you are an industry leader interested in volunteering to help grow the EHS field of study, you are welcome and encouraged to apply through our Peer Review Volunteer Form. Additional information can be found on the form.

Submit your work!

Have research or analyses that you would like to submit for review?

Visit our submission portal at Submittable here. It is encouraged to first read and review the Author Guidelines with submission requirements for your research.

View Author Guidelines

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Thank you for interest in SHIFT. We look forward to making a difference together!